Friday, April 15, 2011


Alexander Movie

  •          Alexander told his father he would pay him for the horse
  •          He knew right away that the horse didn’t like his shadow
  •          He tamed the horse and named him Cephalus
  •          Was tutored by Aristotle
  •          Bad relationship with father, good relationship with mother
  •          Father lost his eye in a battle
  •          Believed that the Battle of Gal. could defeat
  •          Alexander’s army was way outnumbered by the Persians
  •          Sacrifice bull before battle to “read the entrails”
  •          Bird would magically appear before he would do something big, Alexander believed it to be a sign from the God’s
  •          “Conquer you’re fear, and I will promise you, you will conquer death.” One of the things Alexander said to his army before battle
  •          Most of the Greeks were on feet, Persians had camels or horses
  •     me people had wagons with swords on the sides to chop off people's legs
  •     Diraus was freaked out during the battle, because of Alexander's plan and ran off!
  •     Alexander at age 25, became king of all

1 comment:

  1. There is more information about this rubric at Greek Project Rubric (found under the Links to History on my blog).

    1) 25/25
    2) 24/25
    3) 25/25
    4) 25/25

    Total: 99/100

    I loved your scrapbook! It's obvious you put a lot of effort into your project, and you gave a great presentation. Brilliant!

    (Your classmates gave you a 98 - tied for the highest grade in the class!)
