Friday, April 29, 2011

I wasn't in class today because I had to leave early for a game.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011



Consuls- two officials in the place of a king who commanded the army and directed the government.

Veto- to overrule a decision made by others.

Senate- the aristocratic branch of Rome's government made up of 100 patricians.

Assembly- the democratic side of Roman government made up of all citizen-soldiers; they had less power than the Senate.

Dictator- a leader who had absolute power to make laws and command the army.

Mercenary- a soldier who fights in any country's army for pay.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

The Roman Republic



Republic- political unit that is not ruled by a monarch, and when citizens with the right to vote, chose their leaders
Gravitas-  important virtue of gratitude, (weightiness or seriousness). discipline, strength and loyalty 
Pater Familias- head of Roman family,
Toga- uncomfortable garment, loose, every one wore them 
Patrician- specially privileged families, upper class Romans, claimed to have answers and fathers of Rome 
Plebeian- common farmers, artisans, and merchants. free citizens with a number of rights,
Legion- massive military unit, (4000 - 6000 people)
Century- a subdivision of the Roman legion
-80 people 

1. How did geography help Rome?
  • Rome's ships controlled the entire Mediterranean Sea
  • Rome is located half way between the Alps and Italy's southern tip, therfore the city is the center point within the central pinnensula
  • can send out ships and armies in all direction
  • big hill to see enemies coming 
  • believed the Mediterranean sea was the center of the Earth                                                                                                                               

2. Why was each of the following groups important to Rome's development? Latins, Greeks and Etruscans.
  • The Latins settled on either side of the Tiber River
  • Rome began as a settlement of Latin Shepards
  • The Greeks established about 50 colonies on the coast of southern Italy and Sicily
  • All of the active cities brought all of Italy, including Rome, into closer contact with Greek civilization
  • Development of religious ideas
  • Romans really liked the way the Greeks were set up 
    • The Etruscans were much more civilized than the Latins, had a writing system
    • Great cultrually influence on the Latins
    • Latin Settlers of Rome adopted the Etruscan alphabet
    • developement of religious ideas
    • Helped develope Rome's trade
    3. What were the vales of Roman society?

    • Gravitas, moral code based on strength, discipline and loyalty
    • family

    4.  How was the Roman household organized?

    •  pater familias had all the power in the family
    • father protected the family

    5.  What freedoms did women have in the family and in society?
    • they were in charge of the house
    • she was a citizen 
    • she could testify in court
    • she could own property
    6.  How was the army linked to Roman society?
    • serving in the army was all men  
    • You had to join the army before you could do anything else in society.
    •  Roman-style meant being a part of the legion.

      Wednesday, April 20, 2011

      Monday, April 18, 2011


      today in class we review for our test on Greece on Wednesday!

      • No notes or blogs
      • Multiple choice and one essay
      • 100 points
      • 25-35 mult. Choice
      • 3 essays, pick one
      • Armies and Battles
      -hoplites (soldiers, Greek)
      -what the formation is called, (phalanx)
      -key battles (fought Persians most, MERATHON, THERMOPOLY, GAGAMELY, STRAIGHTS OF SALAMIS,
      -How long? 27 years
      -who won? Spartans
      -Key factor that causes Athenians to lose? - someone had the plague, brought it in, 1/3-2/3 of Athens died (Pericles)
      -Pythagoras (right triangle)
      -Euclid- Geometry
      • POETRY
      • Homer and Sappho
      -Circular, downward so everyone could see
      • PERICLES
      -wanted to strengthen democracy and expand empire, make Athens more beautiful
      -built Parthenon
      -defeated Persians
      -Agora (center thing of town where people meet)
      • Parthenon
      -frieze, piece of stone chiseled of people
      -statue of Athena in the middle
      -Doric style was
      • GREEK ARCH
      -Doric (most basic) ionic, (fancy) Crythenian (very fancy) 

      -charged with corrupting youth of Athens, teach theories of the world
      -Trialed for going against Gods
      -demanding dinners for life
      -died, drank poison hemlock
      • OLYMPICS
      -first games were held in 776 BC
      -every four years
      -only free men who spoke Greek, oath in front of statue saying they have been training
      -women couldn’t attend games at the time
      -boxing, running etc.
      -Hoplitodromos-event in the Olympics, running with full armor
        -Socrates= known for thinking differently bases on reason and science, method is question and answer, (opinion)
      -Plato= founded school called the Academy, wrote

      Friday, April 15, 2011


      Alexander Movie

      •          Alexander told his father he would pay him for the horse
      •          He knew right away that the horse didn’t like his shadow
      •          He tamed the horse and named him Cephalus
      •          Was tutored by Aristotle
      •          Bad relationship with father, good relationship with mother
      •          Father lost his eye in a battle
      •          Believed that the Battle of Gal. could defeat
      •          Alexander’s army was way outnumbered by the Persians
      •          Sacrifice bull before battle to “read the entrails”
      •          Bird would magically appear before he would do something big, Alexander believed it to be a sign from the God’s
      •          “Conquer you’re fear, and I will promise you, you will conquer death.” One of the things Alexander said to his army before battle
      •          Most of the Greeks were on feet, Persians had camels or horses
      •     me people had wagons with swords on the sides to chop off people's legs
      •     Diraus was freaked out during the battle, because of Alexander's plan and ran off!
      •     Alexander at age 25, became king of all

      Thursday, April 14, 2011

      • Socrates didn't care about his appearance he was only interested in the mind
      • Socrates used his reason and logic to study people
      • they started reasoning instead of thinking the gods were everything and did everything
      • Greece was the birth of science
      • Socrates began to argue with people  saying that he was more handsome then them because his big bulging eyes could make him see farther and clearer, his huge nose could make him sell better
      • Thales measured the size of the pyramid by using the shadow of it
      •  plague 
      • violent heats on head
      • dehydration
      • fever
      • diarrhea 
      • they would go out into the street to die
      • Pericles died from the plague 
      • 1/3-2/3 of the people had it
      • he got weak
      • he died after 6 months in 429 BC
      • everyone wanted to be in charge when Pericles died
      • fought in a war against Sparta and lost to defend
      • lost 50,000 men
      • he told them to take down walls and burn all but 12 ships
      • they went to Athena for help
      • 404 BC Athens surrendered to Spartan commander
      • Socrates was  arrested for undermining the youth of the city
      • he only had enough time to defend himself by the time the water fell into the other pot
      • he demanded free dinners for life
      • Socrates was sentences to death
      • he had to drink hemlock to poison him which was extremely painful (slow death) 
      • for him and for others he was close with 

      Wednesday, April 13, 2011


      1. What was Homer known for? Iliad and Odyssey
      2. What did people thought Homer could have also wrote? Homeric Hymn
      3. Why did people think that he made the stories more interesting? he was blind but still made his stories interesting and appealing
      4.What did most people believe? -Homer wasn't real

      Alexander's Conquest 

      Name one of his battles?  - Battle of Granicus
      Did he get along with his father? - no, but he had a wonderful relationship with his mother 
      What happened to his kingdom after Alexander died ? - It was divided into different cities 


      Monday, April 11, 2011


      • What did he realize about the universe? -that earth isn't the center of the universe
      • How was Socrates killed? -sentence that 500 jury members denied his theory
      • What was he charged with? -corrupting minds of youth, mocking Gods

      Ancient Greek Battles-Megan

      What are some pros of Phalanx? -effective, well protected

      What were Hoplites? -usually citizen soldiers

      What did the helmets protect? -nose, cheek, head, neck and was made of bronze

      i give her a 95%
      The Hellenic Age-Brynly

      How many tribes formed bu the people of Athens? -10

      What are the 3 styles? -severe style, highly classical style, 4th century style

      Id give her a 90!

      Friday, April 8, 2011

      Greek architecture-Brad

      • What was the original system of Greek architecture? -doric style 
      • What was the Parthenon built for? -hold statue of Greek goddess Athena 
      • Which style is the most decorative? -Corinthian, also most modern 
      The Golden Age-Lauren

      • When was Pericles's born? -5th century BC
      • when did he become the leader of Athens? -age 23
      • What were the two big religious festivals? -Panathenaia which honored Athena, and Dionysia which honored the god of wine and ecstasy(complete happiness)  
      • Who was Aspasia? -member of the Hetarae, a class of unmarried females that went to play, studied, and debated with men. 
      • What were Pericles' three goals?- strengthen democracy, expand their empire, make Athens more beautiful
      Greek Drama and Theater-Sam

      • What do plays begin with? -prologue
      • instead of playing scenes the play...? -episodes
      • What were tragedy's performed by? -men 
      • Who were comedy plays invented by? -

      Thursday, April 7, 2011

      Philosophers- Tasha

      • How many main philosophers were there? -3, Aristotle, Plato, & Socrates 
      • What is the western philosophy? the thought and work of the western world and how it differs to the Eastern World 
      • What did Aristotle  divided his study categories into? -Logic, physical works, psychological works, philosophical works, and natural history. 
      • Why was Socrates sentenced to death? -mocking the Gods 

      Parthenon by Hayley 

      • Who was it disgned by?- Phidius
      • Who many columns/pillars on on it? -46
      • What was on the inside? statue of Athena and many treasures. 
      • What was it used for? Worship Gods. 

      90% :) 

      Alexander's Youth-Morgan

      Born in 356 B.C.
      Son of Phillip of Macedon who was a general
      mother of olympias, told hoim he was son of greek god which made him feel divine
      Phillip married many times
      bought horse when 12-job to tame horse
      rode horse towards sun because affraid of shadow
      named city after horse Bucephala
      Aristotle taught Alexander greek culture, greek language and history
      captain of Macedonian army at the age of 16
      suffered with his troops with no food or water
      ordered soliders to build pinelsuala
      greatest generals
      named city after himself
      never lost a battle
      died at age 33, bit from mosquito

      Who was Alexander's actual father? -Phillip
      Alexander built a city and named it after his ...-horse
      Alexander was from? -Macedonia

      Id give Morgan a 100%
      Math and Science breakthroughs-Kevin

      • who came up with the law of physical displacement? -Archimedes
      • Who was the creator of the triangle... Pythagorus 
      • Who invented geometry?- Euclid 
      • New way of looking at things, logically and provable explanation of how everything works, Greeks started that 
      I would give Kevin an 85%. 

      Wednesday, April 6, 2011

      The Olympics-Zach 
      • What was the Olympics in honor of? -Zeus
      • When were the first Olympic games? -held in Olympia, Greece in 776 BC
      • Who was allowed to participate in the Olympics? -only young fee men who spoke Greek, need to convince king of Sparta

      Ancient Greek Art-Julia

      • What does Greek art consist of? -architecture, sculpture, paintings, paintings and pottery
      • What was the most respected form of art? -paintings. 
      • What were sculptures for? -honor Gods, heroes and mythical creatures
      • What is polychromy painting? -painting on statues and architecture 

      i'd give her a 95% :) 

      Monday, April 4, 2011

      april 4th, Greece presentations

      Peloponnesian War-Caitlin

      • Who was the war between? -Athens and Sparta
      • How did Pericles die? -because of the plague (1/3 or 2/3 of Athens died.)
      • How long did the war last? -27 years. 

      I think she deserved a 90!