Thursday, May 5, 2011

Today in class we presented our power points on Rome. Test tomorrow!

-Etruscans had a written language which the Romans took their technique from
-Latins were the first to live in area
-many words Romans had came from the Latins
-Tiber River is where the Latins lived
-Latins dominated and civilized the people of this area
-drained the swamp
-Soon had a king called Tarquin, (last king) but soon took him out of power
-never had another dictator, came up with republican government

-form of government where all people have an equal say in decisions of their government and their lives

-form of government based on the best citizens ruling the city
-high class
-making laws more favorable towards the upper class
-began to treat under them poorly

-single ruler
-power was usually passed down to an heir of the throne

-usually made up of Roman citizens, around 6000 soldiers
-divided into manipoles

Carthage-new city in Phoenician
-major urban center that has existed for nearly 3,000 years

-spoils of war
-slaves worked the land, not Roman farmers
-Roman estates
-produced oil and wine for exporatation
-rich would evict people from their homes, got more and more land
-every time Romans conquered an area, pick up slaves

Gracchus Brothers
-Tiberius and Gauis
-Roman plebian nobles
-attempted to pass a land reform that would redistribute huge pieces of patrician land among the plebians
-considered the founding fathers of socialism and populism
-both were assassinated for their attempts

Julius Caesar
-born on July 12 100BC in Rome
-lead Rome to victory against Gaul
-was appointed dictator for ten years in 47 BC
-didn't have much money
-govern one of Rome's provinces to in order to gain control
-Crassus (the rich) Pompey was to dominate Roman politics for several years
-Gallic Wars were a serious of military campaigns lead by Caesar
-was proclaimed "dictator in perpetuity"
-very popular among everyone
-stabbed by Gaius Cassius Longinus, Marcus Junius Brutus and many other senators.
-Ides of March, 15, 44BC
-senate was affraid he was getting to powerful
-senator waited outside theater, asked Caesar to sign something getting someones brother out of exile. he didn't so they stabbed him 23 in chest, friend was included in stabbing, "you too brute?"

Roman Empire Information
-Pax Romana- latin for Roman peace
-Roman roads- allowed to move armies, trade goods, and communicate, used stones, broken stones, mixed with cement and sand, tiles, curving stones, built like walls, lasted forever

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